The Benefits of Exercise While Listening to Music

The Benefits of Exercise While Listening to Music

Hallo Female - Exercise should be done in a way that is fun to feel happy and good. If you are forced to do it, then regular exercise is done with no maximum result. Well, if you really like to exercise, usually you will find some people with earphones or headphones on their heads.

Some people do like to listen to music during exercise, and a study found that listening to music will distract the pain or fatigue, so your endurance to exercise longer than usual. The following are the benefits of exercise while listening to music.

Music increase the frequency of exercise
Exercise while listening to music, especially the upbeat music, will increase the frequency of exercise, especially if you hear the music you like and enjoy it. Hearing music can also improve your mood better during exercise while providing encouragement.

Music give more effort
Cycling to hear music up beat also makes a person give more effort and cycling faster than listening to music with a slow tempo. This will give better results in burning calories. The song with 120-140 beats per minute (bpm) will give the maximum effect if you do gymnastics.

Music could be channeling emotions 
If you're upset, then listening to music can ease the anger or resentment. You can choose which songs you like and ran while listening to music, it will calm your emotions.

Music makes you always want to move.
If you hear the music, one thing that may be on your mind is moving. This is also the reason why in zumba, aerobics or yoga, music is a supporter and a major part of the exercise sessions.

So, if you're jogging or just want a relaxing exercise while cleaning the house at the end of the week, then turn the music and start exercising.

(Read: This Kinds of Music That Can Make You More Excited When Exercising)
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