How to Help Children Overcome Excessive Fears

How to Help Children Overcome Excessive Fears

Hallo Female - Try to imagine your memories back when you were kids. When toddlers, it was reasonable if you experienced excessive fear. For example, fear of the dark, insects, or even clowns. Fear can be quite often is fear when night falls and moreover have to sleep alone. Shadow and imagination presence of a monster or scary figures that is sticking into the mind. A similar situation you've ever experienced, it could also happen to your child.

In fact, fear in children is not only a normal thing, but it is also an important part of the development process.  According to well-known pediatrician T. Berry Brazelton, “Fears inevitably crop up at periods of new and rapid learning. The child’s new independence and abilities throw him off balance.”

Another interesting fact is the fear in childhood usually like "night terrors" that is easily experienced by children aged 3-5 years. The cause is in that age range, the majority of children make the transition from one nap to no naps because they started going to school, follow tutoring, or too busy playing.

"Terror Night" is the result of children who are not able to pass a sleep cycle well. Children become too tired so fell into a deep sleep very quickly. Unfortunately, because of the sleep cycle has not returned to normal, the child's brain still wants to force into the deep sleep stage, but often not accompanied by relaxed physical conditions.

Well, to help overcome the excessive fear, as a parent, you should be more careful to read the signs of fear in children. Offers ideal protection is the answer, rather than scolding and suppress their feelings.

(Read: Tips How to Get Children to Sleep in Their Own Room)
Tag : Parenting
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