How to Overcome Parent Child Relationship is Not Well Established

How to Overcome Parent Child Relationship is Not Well Established

Hallo Female - The behavior of children who can not be separated from their beloved objects, such as dolls, baby blankets, pillows, etc., considered as a sign that the relationship between parents and children is not well established. What is the cause?

According to Janie Lacy, Mental Health Counselor, a child can not be separated from her beloved objects caused by the feeling is not close to her parents. Favorite objects become a tool for them to feel comfortable, which it duly obtained from the child's parents.

As a result, the beloved object became a substitution "figure" or "tools" of their protector while in the new environment. If the object does not exist or is far from her view, the child becomes restless, can not be silent, and often cry while screaming.

Lacy said that building the relationship between child and parent is a challenge in the modern era like now. Because, most of the family had a father and mother who are both working from morning to afternoon/evening. As a result, the parent child communication feels rigid and less open.

Lacy said that building the relationship between child and parent is a challenge in the modern era like now. Because, most of the family have a father and mother who are both working from morning to afternoon. As a result, the communication from a child to her parent feels rigid and less open.

To overcome this situation, Lacey suggested that in addition to often open conversations, parents also need to show affection through touch. This can be reflected through a hug in the morning, kiss at night when they are asleep, or soft caress.

The touch of sincere and loving of parents on children, creating a feeling of comfort and make the child feel have a reliable protector. As a result, when with a parent, the child no longer requires the presence of the beloved object.

In addition to foster protection, a touch of affection also makes children feel they are the most important part of your life. It is very useful in the future when the child has a problem, they will prefer to talk to you than to others.

(Read: 5 Important Principles How To Be A Good Parent)
Tag : Parenting
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