How to Keep Toothbrush Clean, Read These Easy Tips

How to Keep Toothbrush Clean

Hallo Female - Cleaning the toothbrush is also important, the same as brushing your teeth. We rarely pay attention to the toothbrush hygiene. Though toothbrush became the hotbed of developing germs that can affect our digestive health.

Generally, the toothbrush is replaced every 2-3 months. Below you will find 4 tips how to keep toothbrush clean.

Use baking soda
Baking soda is believed as a potent disinfectant that can be used to clean various household appliances. Soak the head of the toothbrush into the baking soda that has been diluted with water to clean it.

Wash with hot water
Hot water kills bacteria and germs that accumulate on the sidelines of the bristles. Soak the toothbrush in boiling water for 5 minutes or flush the toothbrush with hot water before and after you use it.

Dry it after use
Each time finished using it, put the toothbrush in the open air for a few minutes until the water remaining in the brush head dries.

Soak in vinegar
Soak the toothbrush head in the water that has been given a tablespoon of vinegar for 3-5 minutes. Wash with hot water and dry it like put in an aerated and ventilated environment.

Well, it is a few way that you can do to keep the toothbrush clean and you can do regularly. Love your teeth and your health. Good luck!

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