How to Take Care of Your Baby Teeth Healthy

How to Take Care of Your Baby Teeth Healthy

Hallo Female - When your baby has started showing dentition, it's your job as a parent to take care of your baby teeth healthy. Many parents do not care and ignore the dental health of infants and children, whereas dental health is very important to them.

Babies who have healthy teeth and healthy digestive, they can chew food optimally. If digestion is healthy, the health of the entire body is also well maintained. So start taking care of your baby's teeth. Although later this milk teeth will be lose, your toddler still need healthy teeth.

Just use a moistened cloth for your baby teeth

Teeth in children should be taken care since a baby. Although looks clean, baby teeth are actually more vulnerable, especially because infants frequently consume milk. Milk can leave a coating on the teeth that can turn into acid and erode teeth slowly.

Therefore it is  important to maintain the cleanliness of your baby and toddler teeth. For babies, how to clean the teeth sufficiently with gauze or cloth that has been dampened with water. Clean every time they finished drinking milk and before bed. No need to use toothpaste or toothbrush.

2 years old children can be taught how to use a toothbrush. Ask your doctor, what kind of children's toothpaste that suits them. Familiarize your children to be diligent and regular brushing their teeth after breakfast and before bed.

This good habit will keep milk teeth healthy and intact until the time off at a later date.

(Read: You Should Recognize 5 Signs of When to Take Child to Doctor)
Tag : Parenting
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