Is Coconut Oil Good For Getting Rid Of Acne?

Is Coconut Oil Good For Getting Rid Of Acne?

Hallo Female - Acne is a skin problem that every woman wants to avoid. Acne can come anytime and acne can be caused from a variety of factors. If you do not want to use anti-acne medication, then you can try switching to natural treatments. Coconut fruit has many benefits for the skin. Parts of coconut oil and coconut water can also be used to treat and cure acne.

For those of you who have oily or combination skin, you can use coconut oil to cure acne. 50% content of coconut oil is lauric acid that supports the body's metabolism, antifungal, antiviral, and antibacterial. Because the acne trigger on the face is bad bacteria, then the antibacterial in coconut oil can cure it. The trick is to apply coconut oil to the acne 2 or 3 times a day until the acne is cured.

Besides coconut oil, you can also use coconut water. Take a few drops of coconut water and apply on your skin. Do this every day, and in a few weeks you will get a smoother skin and avoid skin problems. Skin problems here including acne and blackheads.

How do you think? Coconut is powerful enough for your beauty, isn't it? In addition, there are many parts of the coconut fruit that can be used to treat skin beauty. Are you interested in trying?

(Read: Solve and Prevent Acne with Paprika)
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