Is Crying Good For Your Health?

Is Crying Good For Your Health?

Hallo Female - While going through an emotional thing, whether you live in tears and weepy? Well, it's humane, crying will not make you look sloppy or weak. Crying is a natural way that can cope with the emotional stress which causes negative effects on the body. Do you know that crying gives good impact for your health? Check out these review below.
  • It turns out that the tears have high benefit for the eye health. When you cry, tears will lubricate the eyeball and your eyelid. These tears will prevent dehydration in your mucous membranes. It will help your eyesight get better again. 
  • It turns out that the tears also provide natural protection against bacterial attack. Throughout the day your eyes are exposed to a lot of bacteria that settles around your eyes. Tears contain a fluid called lysozyme which helps kill the bacteria. Crying for 5-10 minutes can help eliminate 90 to 95 percent of the bacteria in your eyes. 
  • Crying can also improve your mood. Manganese levels in the human body that can negatively affect a person's mood. It can make you experience anxiety, irritability, nervousness, aggression, emotional distress, and so forth. Crying was able to overcome all the turmoil caused by very high manganese level. 
  • Crying is also able to lower your stress levels. The release of tears and sweat also was able to relieve the stress that hit. When you cry, tears will help release hormones which can affect stress and also mood. 
  • Crying is also able to let go of all the burdens caused by the underlying mood. Conflict and hatred that often happens in life, will be collected in the limbic system of the brain and heart. Harbored feelings will cause pressure on the nervous system as well as your cardiovascular. Crying can help alleviate these feelings. In fact, crying is referred to as therapy in cases like this. 
So do not feel embarrassed to cry if you are facing problems.

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