5 Cooking Mistakes That Make Body Fat

5 Cooking Mistakes That Make Body Fat

Hallo Female - In addition to applying to eat fruits and vegetables, you also need to know that many other factors can make it difficult to lose weight, or just the opposite, increasing your weight. One of the things that can make your body more fat is the way to cook your food.

It is indeed greatly influence how much calories that go into your body, and you also also need to know this. When you cook, there are some mistakes that you should avoid because it can lead to weight gain, such as:

Using too much oil 
This is common if you should avoid greasy foods or processed foods by frying because the food will absorb the oil that goes into the pan. This will last up to a few hours when food is removed from the pan.

You even need a lot of tissues if you want to soak up the oil that drips from fried foods. In addition, the risk of cholesterol, trans fat and others. Using olive oil as a substitute is also very good, but do not use excessive.

Do not pay attention to the portion of the cooking 
Everyone must have known that the size or portion of food it is important to be controlled. Estimating the right portion for your meal, may be a bit tiring and time-consuming and even impressed perfectionist. However, it is quite important so that you can limit your intake calorie food.

Always based on the recipes 
If you are a beginner in cooking, it is no wonder if you 'obey' the prescription given to you. May be you will practice all of the base ingredients and the required dosage as prescribed.

But this would be misleading you into obesity risk. Try to think first about the ingredients that are not really needed and can be replaced with other ingredients that can reduce the calories you will eat. Such as full cream milk, replace it with a low-fat or non-fat. Vegetable oil or butter, with olive dressing, and so on.

Snacking while cooking 
Sometimes when cooking, you often get stuck with a snack food, whether it's chocolate chips or crisps. Do not let you snack while waiting for the food cooked, unless you're snacking fruit.

Leaving too many leftovers and cook too long 
It is important to predict how much food to be cooked, a significant portion should be applied. Do not cook too much, just in case if there are family members who want to add a meal.

If in the end no one is eating, you'll think that you should eat the leftovers. Well, here's what you should avoid. You are also not supposed to cook food too long, because it can eliminate most of the nutrients found in these foods.

(Read: Why Is It So Hard to Lose Weight? 5 Reasons That You Should Know)
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