4 Good Habits That Can Help Children to Not Get Sick Easily

4 Good Habits That Can Help Children to Not Get Sick Easily

Hallo Female - Children are the great imitator. They could easily imitate what adults do, especially their parents. As parents, we also need to demonstrate good habits so that they can emulate. One is four good habits that can help them to not get sick easily.

Hand washing habits
Regular hand washing can reduce the chances of transmission of respiratory diseases and digestive. Teach your child to always wash hands before eating, after eating, or after doing the activity. In order for hand washing activities can be fun, do it while singing a cheerful song. Wash their hands must b really clean, rub their hands with soap at least 15-20 seconds.

Active exercise and activity
Research shows that doing moderate exercise regularly can reduce the risk of flu and colds. With exercise, the circulation of infection-fighting cells can be smoothly. Harley A. Rotbart, MD, author of "Germ Proof Your Kids: The Complete Guide to Protecting (Without Overprotecting) Your Family from Infections" revealed that exercise is better than drugs on the market. So get your child to have a good time doing outdoor activities or just play catch in the park.

Enough sleep and organized
Familiarize your child to sleep on a regular basis. For example, let them know that at 9 pm is the time to sleep. In general, infants need 14 hours of sleep per day. While an early age children need 11-13 hours of sleep. Sleeping with the same and routine schedule every day also train your child to be more disciplined. And of course you can awake child health and avoid disease.
(Read: Tips How to Get Children to Sleep in Their Own Room)

Eating vegetables and fruit
Do you want your child to have a good immune system? Meet the needs of vitamins and minerals by eating enough fruits and vegetables. Choose foods rich in vitamin C like broccoli, strawberries, and oranges, as well as rich in vitamin D such as tuna, fortified milk (milk with added vitamins), and cereals. Eating yogurt with active probiotics also can increase endurance.

If children are taught good habits from an early age, so they can continue to do the good habits into adulthood. It takes discipline and rigor, but for the sake of your child, you should provide an understanding as much as possible and the reason why this habit needs to be done.

(Read: 3 Health Habits to Teach Children That You Should Know)
Tag : Parenting
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