4 Health Benefits of Drinking Lemon Water in The Morning

4 Health Benefits of Drinking Lemon Water in The Morning

Hallo Female - In addition to water, there are also some other healthy beverage to drink when you begin to open your eyes in the morning. To start  the healthy day, it is better if you get used to consume beverages that also maintain your health, one of them is the lemon water.

Lemon water is not only able to aid digestion and relieve gastrointestinal problems alone, drinking lemon water in the morning is also beneficial in ridding the body of toxins and strengthen the immune system. 

Drinking lemon juice in the morning, either brewed or cold drink, will help stimulate the cleansing and enzyme production in the liver. The water is rich in vitamin C such antioxidants help neutralize the acid in the stomach in the morning and relieve abdominal pain or other gastrointestinal problems.

Lemon is also a diuretic, making you urinate more often to get rid of toxins in the body. Because it is rich in antioxidants such as vitamin C and ascorbic acid, the lemon juice can also strengthen the body's defense systems of various diseases, especially colds and coughs are often attacked because immune systems are weak.

If your body pH imbalance in the blood, it can cause disease. Although seemingly very sour lemon, but it can balance the pH levels in the blood by stimulating the production of alkali in the body.

Finally, and perhaps make you happy is drinking lemon water in the morning can make your skin beautiful. This is due to the high content of antioxidants lemon, so it is also able to fight free radicals that cause premature aging.

So, want to be healthy and beautiful? A glass or cup of lemon water in the morning can be a solution.

(Read: 5 Habits How to Keep Your Teeth Healthy)
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