Mulberry Fruit Benefits For Skin Beauty

Mulberry Fruit Benefits For Skin Beauty

Hallo Female - Mulberry fruit is not only delicious to eat directly. Fruit which has color in red to black, also has many benefits for health and skin beauty as well. Even this fruit benefits for skin beauty actually has been known since long time.

Mulberry fruit contains nutrients and antioxidants that has many benefits for skin beauty, including some of the following benefits:

Mulberry fruit contains antioxidants that are high enough to resist a variety of free radicals in the skin that causes the appearance of premature aging signs.

Brighten the skin 
Mulberry fruit has long been known to brighten the skin. Even mulberry fruit can also black blemishes and other spots on the face.

Skin problems 
Mulberry leaf decoction can cure various diseases such as flu, sore throat, fever, and others. In addition, this stew can cure various skin problems.

Dry and sensitive skin 
Combine mulberry fruit with coconut oil or olive oil for a few days, then apply on skin. This oil blend can also be a lotion to moisturize and heal skin irritations.

Mulberry fruit can be consumed directly, used in beverages, or used to mix the mask in order to obtain its special benefits.

(Read: How to Get Beautiful Skin With Natural Ingredients)
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