6 Causes of Acne Often Not Realized

6 Causes of Acne Often Not Realized

Hallo Female - What causes of acne? In general below is 5 causes of acne.

  1. Heredity or genetic 
  2. Hormones (acne usually comes before menstruation) 
  3. Dietary factors, especially fatty foods 
  4. Treatment mistake and beauty products 
  5. Lazy to clean face 

Dr Ellen Marmur, a dermatologist said that there are some things that causes of acne are often not realized. Here are some of the causes of acne are described by dr. Ellen.

Your cell phone or mobile phone
Cell phone or mobile phone is a very dirty thing, even more dirty than your toilet seat. Although it seems clean, but the phone contains more bacteria because you often hold it. So make sure you do not attach the phone too long in the face, or not touching your face after holding the phone. Remember, acne often and inflamed because of bacteria.

When was the last time you change the pillowcases? The pillowcases often absorb dead skin cells, dirt, residual makeup, dust and so on. This is compounded if you often do not clean your face before going to bed. Then replace pillowcases and sheets regularly.

Your own hands 
Hands look clean, but actually contains a lot of bacteria and dirt. Avoid holding face with hands, especially if you're doing the activity. Wash hands before cleaning the face. Make sure you just hold the face after washing hands. Hands should also be clean when you apply cosmetics and makeup.

Hair products 
Sometimes get bangs is cool, but it often causes acne on the forehead as a result of the skin that is affected by hair care products. If you find a pimple on the hairline or forehead (for ones wear bangs), then stop the hair products you are using or flip your bangs up not covering forehead. Even the rest of the shampoo and conditioner can cause acne on your face.

Lack of sleep 
Lack of sleep will make your body stress. When stress comes, acne can appear a lot in the face and other body parts. So make sure you regularly sleep with at least 6 hours every day. Sleep will also make the skin more radiant, because skin cells regeneration occur during sleeping.

Squeezing pimples 
Squeeze pimples sometimes considered the right way. Though this method is often done in conditions of dirty hands, so many germs that get into the pores to make acne more inflamed and severe. This habit can also leave scars on the skin. So when acne comes, do it with ointments or creams acne.

Hopefully this information can make you avoid unexpected things that causes of acne.

(Read: Get Rid of Acne With Blueberry)
Tag : Beauty
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