Facts About Cardio to Maximize Your Exercise

Facts About Cardio to Maximize Your Exercise

Hallo Female - Cardio exercises is identical to those that are in the fat loss program or weight loss. Understandably, because it has been proven that cardio exercises is effective to burn body fat. However, for those who are in the program to add muscle mass are also still advised to do cardio exercises.

Probably, not many people know the facts of cardio exercises for someone who wants to increase muscle mass. Thus, many are afraid of cardio will eliminate muscle mass. In fact, it is not justified. Here are the facts about the cardio you need to consider in order to maximize your exercise.

The best time to do cardio exercises
The state of a person's body is different, that is why the best time to do cardio is when you feel that the time is the best time to do it. However, it should be underlined, all health experts and trainers fitness experts also agree that cardio exercises in the morning on an empty stomach is not recommended to be done.

Burn fat not just happen when you do cardio, but also 2 hours after exercise. If your stomach is empty, then you do not have fuel or energy for fat burning process. So, if you do not want to be a little thin and lose muscle, then avoid cardio in the morning on an empty stomach.

Cardio exercises before weight training?
Do cardio before weights, or vice versa? The question is often asked. Doing cardio exercises is to stimulate the muscles to grow. However, if you do cardio before weights, then you will spend glycogen which is a source of energy.

Conversely, if you do weight training first, then deposit glukogen in your body will be sufficient for other types of exercises. That is why, cardio exercises should be done after weights. The other reason, during the session of cardio, protein synthesis will be low, and protein breakdown will rise. It makes your body's ability to build muscle will be impaired.

If you want maximum results in your cardio exercises, try to create a separate schedule with weight training. Splitting cardio with weight training schedule to make sure you will have the right energy to maximize cardio and weights.

Cardio exercises and the effects on muscle growth
If you ask this, the answer could be yes, it could be no. Cardio can reduce muscle mass if done to excess. However, it does not mean that a person who is doing the muscle building, should not do cardio. Cardio is still needed though you are running muscle mass building program. However, the portion is smaller than the weight loss program. For you who are trying to build muscle and want to do cardio, then you can do about 7 minutes after weights.

Cardio which is done not too long, it will not cause a decrease in muscle mass. Combustion occurs only utilize fat and glycogen stores in the body. While cardio with long duration may lead to a reduction in muscle mass, because the body forcing the use of protein for energy.

Well, to prevent your muscle protein is broken down into energy, do cardio in the low to moderate intensity, the duration is not too long. In addition, add a protein supplement such as Ultimate Nutrition Amino 2000 is the best quality pure protein to help maintain your muscle mass and help the development of your muscles.

Cardio exercises for body health
By doing cardio, you can burn more calories. Good cardio exercises are jogging, swimming, fast walking, aerobics, running and cycling.

Doing cardio also has benefits for health. Such as improving the condition of the lungs, the heart muscles to be strong, and promote blood circulation, so organs get enough oxygen. The number of body movements done during cardio exercises can speed up the heart rate and cardiac training.

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