Yoga Exercises Can Cure 4 Deadly Diseases

Yoga Exercises Can Cure 4 Deadly Diseases

Hallo Female - Yoga benefits for peace of mind and also the body is something that is normal. Yoga benefits to reduce stress and anxiety and relaxes the muscles of the body is something that is normal too. But it turns out yoga can also treat more serious health problems. Let's look like the following reviews.

Heart rhythm disorders 
Atrial fibrillation is a heart condition in which the upper chamber of heart tremble uncontrollably. It causes dizziness, shortness of breath, and heart palpitations. It can also increase the risk of heart failure. A study from the University of Kansas revealed that yoga exercises twice a week or more can reduce the frequency of episodes of atrial fibrillation. But this yoga should go hand in hand with drug consumption and also therapies to treat heart rhythm disorders. Yoga exercises can also treat variety of risk factors for heart disease such as high blood pressure, stress and anxiety, and high cholesterol.

Breast cancer 
Women suffering from metastatic breast cancer can get a lot of advantages to doing yoga during and after treatment. Research shows that breast cancer patients who do yoga exercises can more effectively cope with the side effects of cancer treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation. Three hours of yoga exercises each week to reduce physical discomfort and lower levels of stress hormones. In addition, yoga also reduces fatigue, inflammation and pain, making the patient feel more active and relaxed.

Menopause causes fluctuations in hormone levels in a woman's body, along with other physical and psychological changes. Irregular menstruation, irritability, changes in sleep, weight gain, and decreased sexual desire are some of the changes caused by menopause. Practicing yoga regularly can reduce these symptoms. Yoga has been proven to increase energy, reduce physical discomfort, stress and anxiety, and improve mood.

Liver disease
Liver stores vitamins, nutrients and minerals that serve to keep the body healthy. Some yoga postures increase blood circulation in the stomach and maintain proper liver function, including The Cat Pose, Bridge Pose, Spinal Twist and Cow Pose. Practice proper breathing techniques throughout the exercise and drink plenty of water after yoga exercises to remove toxins in the body.

(Read: Health Benefits of Yoga Exercise Every Day)
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